A few new finding on Economy (as seen on the screens)
by Diplomat Ralegh - 6/13/2003 9:42:20 PM
(a) Differences between the Domestic Policy screen and the economy statistics tab:
- EcoStats doesn't show vessel maintenance or building maintenance at all (tip: fastest way to compute your vessel maint is to subtract the military figure on the EcoStats screen from that on the DomPol screen, which includes mil maint in the 'mil' category)
- "Tribute" on EcoStats is in credits, not billions of credits (so my Tribute at 493bc/m, shows as 4,294,967,231)
(b) I compared a full set of figures before getting the Galactic Stock Exchange, with what happened afterwards:
- incomes went up by between 10% + rounding (ie. 40 to 45; 27 to 30; 16 to 18) [about right - GSE gives eco+25%, and with my tax rate at 40% that means I should see a 10% increase
- one planet got just enough to put the rounding up for expenses, so produces an extra couple of IU, and have 2bc more expenses - all the others unchanged
- even 5 turns later, only the planet where the GSE was built is actually showing the increase in the economy % figure on the Planet Details screens. The others are getting the benefit, but still not showing the bonus correctly. [Note: the planet where it was build showed the increased eco% instantly, but didnot update the cashflow figures until the next turn.]
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- "Tribute" on EcoStats is in credits, not billions of credits (so my Tribute at 493bc/m, shows as 4,294,967,231) |
This is just plain bugged. 4,294,967,231 credits is 4bc, not 493bc.
- even 5 turns later, only the planet where the GSE was built is actually showing the increase in the economy % figure on the Planet Details screens. The others are getting the benefit, but still not showing the bonus correctly. [Note: the planet where it was build showed the increased eco% instantly, but didnot update the cashflow figures until the next turn.] |
Planet Details only shows local bonuses. The Galactic Stock Exchange grants a 25% global bonus, and an additional 50% local bonus at the planet it was built (along with a 10% star prestige bonus, and a 10% morale bonus, IIRC, both local). All wonders (except the Eyes of the Universe), and most achievements, operate similaraly.
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Did you have any other economic factor that could have changed your statistiques??
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