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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Interesting Rush-Buying Trick
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by Veteran fsk5809 - 6/16/2003 11:53:43 AM

Suppose you have a social project that requires 2 months to complete. If you rush-buy it, you can then devote that turns' production to a new social project. However, you can't do this trick if the social project will be completed the next turn. So if only a few BC of credits finish the project, you are forced to waste an entire turn of production.

Here's the solution I cam across: Set your social spending slider to zero!! Now you can rush-buy the social project. Then, restore your spending slider. I haven't seen this trick mentioned anywhere else. It seems to be most valuable on tiny/rare with lots of trading, since I usually have lots of extra money.

#1  by Citizen tetleytea - 6/16/2003 4:10:33 PM

I always go Social zero when I purchase. What you can also do is purchase on a well-defended but low-production world, depending on what the Wonder is. Or with the Influence stuff, screw the defense--purchase on a front-line world. Get the extra influence bonus where it really matters.

#2  by Diplomat Ralegh - 6/16/2003 10:17:31 PM

great tip

#3  by Citizen Even-Stupid-Can-Play-TBSs - 6/17/2003 4:10:39 AM

I don't agree that all influence stuff should be built on the frontier. Wonders that add overall+local influence are good when stacked on one planet with political capital. I think this is better at least on normal-sized maps and below.

#4  by Citizen OronHaus - 6/18/2003 8:59:16 AM

I don't agree that all influence stuff should be built on the frontier. Wonders that add overall+local influence are good when stacked on one planet with political capital. I think this is better at least on normal-sized maps and below.

I agree, depending on the type of frontier. If you are at war, and on the border with the race(s) you are at war with, there are probably better places to build your expensive social constructions!!!

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#5  by Citizen Gengsta - 6/22/2003 9:39:29 PM

yep, a bit of micromanagement.
If you need to squeeze every last bit of production out of your planets, it's a good idea.
If not, don't waste the time.

Frankly, I hate micromanagement, but quite necessary on the highest difficulty level.

#6  by Citizen tetleytea - 6/23/2003 10:13:23 AM

I guess the question is, how does influence stack? I always assumed it was additive. i.e. Galactic Exhibition bonus only adds with Political Capital bonus. Not multiply. I could be wrong, though--in which case, yeah, build on your Political Capital.

I've found building on my enemies' homeworlds, though, to be more effective. The homeworld has an inherently higher influence. That's a different story. I almost always win cultural victories in my games--sometimes military, because I've flipped everybody before 2191.

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