Is anyone else finding themselves largely locked in to a specific successful strategy? I find myself over and over following these basic steps no matter what kind of game I start out intending to play:
1. Using speed and possibly range picks, expand out as quickly as possible while doing absolutely no research or social production. Get more planets than anyone else by at least a factor of 10:7 or so.
2. When habitable planets are exhausted, switch all construction to constructors. Continue avoiding social or research spending.
3. When resources are claimed or other races begin to grow a military, rush to phasers, and convert 1/2 to 2/3 of the constructors to star fighters for an instant military deterrent.
Then concurrently:
a) Keep the star figher brigade growing just enough to keep the AI's away while switching mostly to social and research production.
b) Use massive tech-trading to catch up in tech. Sell techs to keep production/reaserch boosted to 75+%.
c) Use low taxes to keep a minimum of half my planets at 100% morale. Wait for my population to outstrip everyone else's and then own them all in any way I choose.
The last 4 or 5 games I've played have ended up being merely refinements of this basic last game I built exactly 3 types of military units: star fighters, corvettes, and excaliburs. The first two kept the slimy aliens away while I got to the 3rd, and then I won. Of course, by that time my massive population's influence had culture-flipped roughly 2/3ds of each of the other empires to me, so the military win was rather superfluous.
Has anyone else found their "mode" and been unable to do things differently once they've found "what works"?
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by Citizen Bhazel - 7/9/2003 11:39:19 AM
When I fall into a rut, it's time to try some totally different racial picks. I was using +1 speed for a while. Lately I've been using +4 sensors.
If you haven't been putting anything into sensors, try it for a game to see if you like it. You'd be surprize at how easy it is to explore for good planets and resources.
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If you are getting bored with a specific strategy, my best advice is to go up to the next difficulty level. I still need to get bored at masochistic
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never done any of what u said, and i have climbed up from beginner to normal and am now at above average difficulty.
the great thing about this game is the many ways one can find to win.
Have fun!
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