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Where does the money go
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by Citizen TexasTim65 - 7/21/2003 10:38:09 AM

I'm sure I've read the answer to this one before but I've forgotten how it works. But what I want to know is where does all my money go with regards to social and military spending.

For example, I'm in a very late game (about to begin researching Beyond Human) playing Crippling on a large map. I have about 20 star systems colonized/captured with about 25-30 planets overall. When I go to the spending screen I have Military spending at 25%, Social at 45% and Research at 30%. My spending is at 70% (we are in an economic boom) and my tax rate is 50% with my morale on my planets at 99%. When I look at the actual bc's I see I take in 3418 in taxes, 1281 in trade and 100 in tribute for a total of 4799 bc. Then I spend them on 1214 for military, 935 for social, 2110 for research, 371 for maintence, 79 for leases, 141 for espionage and 100 for tribute leaving me with a deficit spending of 151 bc per turn (luckily I have 20000+ bc in my bank account).

So here's my question, I am not currently building ANY social projects and only 3 military ones (2 Avatars). So exactly what is my 1214 for military and 935 for social being spent on??? I know the 371 maintence is for my fleet of ships and I assume the social is for all the social projects on my planets (which is for every planet: manufacturing center, fusion PP, antimatter PP, entertainment network, research lab, stock market and teleporters) that require upkeep. This is about 11 bc per turn yet when I click on a planet I see they make on average 100 bc per turn and spend 120 bc per turn. So what is the rest of my money actually being spent on if I am not building anything at all on my worlds???

Also, the AI players (the Arceans and Altarian have the same number of worlds as me and equivalent economies, militaries, research etc so for all intents and purposes we are equal civs on the graphs) make a fraction of my money (Altarians numbers for instance are 1092 for military spending, 413 for social spending and 1895 for research with 500 bc in their treasury. I know when I conquer their worlds they have every social project I have and many more so how are they spending way less than me and not running massive defecits every turn???

Lastly in my stats column I have 450% research bonus from star bases, wonders, techs etc. Is this bonus for example added on to the 2210 research I do per turn or is it part of that 2110? The same with economics, is it part of my income or added on to my income?

I want to try to figure out why I spend so much money when I am essentially doing nothing but research in the late game and using my fleet to fend off enemy ships until I get a tech win.


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#1  by Citizen Damon Bryson - 7/21/2003 12:07:29 PM

I'll leave it to others to answer the technical details, but the answer to your question is that your planets are spending all the money whether you are building anything or not. Try changing a few planets to building battleships or whatever, and you'll see that your spending doesn't change. There has been some discussion as to whether this is realistic, but the story is that your factories take all the spending to upkeep, whether they are cranking stuff out or not.

#2  by Diplomat Arturus Magi - 7/21/2003 7:34:49 PM

. There has been some discussion as to whether this is realistic, but the story is that your factories take all the spending to upkeep, whether they are cranking stuff out or not.

You have to pay the workers or fire them, as well, and if you fire people, they're not earning wages anymore, and then you don't have anything to tax.

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#3  by Citizen TexasTim65 - 7/21/2003 9:08:44 PM

Fine, I can accept that my factories are producing whether they are making anything or not but if that's the case, they why can't they make items to aid research? Ie. I'd like to see an option that says instead of "nothing" in the build queue to say "research" in which case the money would get spent on aiding research. I'm not asking for a 1:1 spending on research either, even 1:5 would be useful and more realistic. It just seems strange to be pumping out all that cash thru the economy for nothing.

If it didn't take so much micromanagement I'd just build dreadnaughts on every world and then sell them all to the AI player I most like for 5 bc each. But selling 1-3 per turn would get endlessly tedious.


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#4  by Veteran vincible - 7/22/2003 1:51:39 AM

The real reason is that it's easier to code the AI to deal intelligently with the simple empire-wide resource allocation system than it would be to assign governor sliders or planetary sliders or whatever. We just have to deal with it.

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