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Culture Bombing Quest-Ye-On
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by Citizen NutButter - 7/22/2003 4:49:36 PM

I have read many of you culture bombing other civs and understand parking a starbase in a sector adjacent to the enemy and loading it up with culture modules is quite effective - but how many starbases do you build? Are we talking one per sector surrounding the enemy's sector or multiple starbases within each sector (if so, how many per sector?)

I've strategically planted three starbases fully loaded around the enemy sectors (a cluster of about 6 sectors) and hardly anything is noticeable.

Also, how do you know when a sector or system is about to flip. Is it a ratio of influence points I have within the sector? I want to flip sectors but don't want to overdo.

Any help would be.....uhhhh.....helpful?


#1  by Veteran citahellion - 7/22/2003 6:50:20 PM

One starbase inside a sector has, I believe, 5 times as much effect as one starbase adjacent to that sector....

#2  by Citizen LDiCesare - 7/23/2003 8:48:09 AM

citahellion, you're right, but the ai knows that and will declare war if you plant a culture bomb in one of its star's sectors.
NutButter, you can check the current influence in the sector (small icon in the top right of the big map view). Since stars provide influence, and distance matters, it is better to start flipping the systems nearest your own.
You know when a system is going to flip if it's got a skull on it, and if the sector is under your influence by a big value (>100, preferably much more than 100 more than the opponent's planet).

#3  by Citizen NutButter - 7/23/2003 9:58:59 AM

I don't get attacks from planting culture bombs in an enemy sector as long as I have a strong military rating, which I currently do. Knowing this approach is 5x more effective is very helpful - as long as I can pull it off without an attack.

All my planets (about 40) are producing Constructors and I am vying for the culture win on a large map, which I currently control half. I have a choice of culture bombing a targeted civ or evenly seeding all the 50% of the map I do not own. With a high production value, I can queue a starbase with all culture modules every 2 to 3 turns. Which approach do you think will bring me the fastest win? Targeting civs or blanketing the 50% of the map I don't own?

LDiCesare, do you mean 100 points higher or 100 times higher? Hope it's the first one!! If I target a specific civ, I want to be sure I have planted enough bombs before moving on to the next civ (it takes a bit of time before conversion).

Finally, when a system flips, what's up with the 1% morale start? I usuallly don't have enough in the treasury for quick upgrades and loans are too expensive. Jacking my tax rate down slows my growth. Any quicker way to make 'em happier....and FAST?

Really do appreciate the responses!

#4  by Ambassador Solitair - 7/23/2003 10:25:58 AM

it's most effective to take out one sector at a time as the cultural bonus is proportional to the distance from your planets. Only planets GENERATE culture, starbases magnify it, so converting one of their planets suddenly gives you a huge culture bonus closer to their territories.

You could also try building cultural terror stars. These could then move once you flip one planet towards your next target.


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#5  by Citizen Chantillary - 7/23/2003 1:43:08 PM

Re: #3 by Citizen NutButter - 7/23/2003 9:58:59 AM

Finally, when a system flips, what's up with the 1% morale start? I usuallly don't have enough in the treasury for quick upgrades and loans are too expensive. Jacking my tax rate down slows my growth. Any quicker way to make 'em happier....and FAST?

I've found that it really helps if you've got as many of the morale boosters as you can get:

1. Max out the specialized mining modules on starbases that are on the morale resource.
2. Buy, beg, borrow or steal as many of the wonder morale boosters like Ultra Spices as you can.
3. When a planet flips, go into its "details" screen and turn its entire economic output to keeping the population happy. Remember this one, as since it's on an individual basis you'll have to come back later to fix it so you can generate money.

Hope this helps

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#6  by Citizen NutButter - 7/23/2003 4:26:30 PM


If I think of a starbase as an amplfier, it makes more sense to target my attacks. That's the answer I needed. Previous games were set to normal-small, so I never made it to Terror Star tech to utilize that tactic. Currently on Huge map and should arrive there soon!!


The tip on individual plant settings is one I didn't think of. I also own about 9 resources, a couple are morale - without any upgrades. Perhaps I should have maxed these (especially morale bonus resource) out first before embarking on my culture bombing rendevouz - sure would have helped. Another great tip.

It really is nice to have this forum as a resource. Good posts, good replies, and good people. Can't say that often with other games I play!

Thanks for sharing!!!!

#7  by Citizen LDiCesare - 7/24/2003 4:03:58 AM

I don't get attacks from planting culture bombs in an enemy sector as long as I have a strong military rating, which I currently do.

Even if the ai doesn't declare war because of your military, they may very well decide to destabilize you. But if you can afford it, do plant starbases near their stars.

My preferred tactic for cultural conquest is to start from the opponents' nearest star, build culture starbases in a nearby sector (preferably one that is also adjacent to a sector with other stars I want to flip), and wait a bit. I also check for all the unsettled PQ1-14 in the enemy sector and settle these (1M pop is enough). You can then put starbases near them and build social improvements on them to increase culture.

About 1% morale, depending on the ai, they may have racial morale boost and PQ boost which may hurt you. They may also be destabilizing you. Build morale enhancements on needy planets, mine morale resources, or fill a colony ship to get rid of extra population and send it to another planet that can afford the pop. You can also load pop onto transports, but I find it cheesy and never do that.

#8  by Citizen NutButter - 7/24/2003 12:56:04 PM

Even if the ai doesn't declare war because of your military, they may very well decide to destabilize you. But if you can afford it, do plant starbases near their stars.

I have had espionage set to 10 bc, and finally reached the 'advanced espionage' level to see intelligence of all civs. But I can't tell if their destabilize budget is on me or others. Also, did you mean plant starbases next to their sectors or stars?

I finally researched Terror stars and will start construction (first time!!). Still not sure how fast they move, but I intend to construct one next to a wanted enemy sector and once built, move it over the sector border. Will the terror star be equivelant to a planet (source of culture) or more like a starbase (amplifier of culture)? If it is like a planet, my other culture bomb starbases should have a huge impact on this cluster of stars (I have about 9 starbases fully loaded surrounding and within the enemy's territory). Or is colonizing a sub-PQ planets within an enemy sector more effective. My nearest planet to this area is still about 8 sectors away!

The advice from Chantillary didn't work on 1% morale - but if I had a moral social project in place, the propaganda slider (his advice) was very effective. If destabilizing is in effect at 1%, perhaps it would be better to establish an embassy first? I maxed-out my morale resource starbases, but when a planet flips, I still ALWAYS start with a 1% morale. I probably should keep a few transports nearby and try that tip tonight!

Thanks again!!

#9  by Citizen MikeMac - 7/24/2003 5:21:04 PM

Terror stars cost 5,000bc to complete, so you'd better save your pennies if you really want one! They only move 1 space a turn (even if you have 'speed' enhancements) and they act like a starbase not a planet.

The AI rarely seems to colonize sub PQ15 planets, so there should hopefully be one or two of them inside enemy territory. Put a small population onto one of those planets and build a Soil Enhancement or Habitat Improvement (purchase immediately if you have the cash). The localized culture should really help.

I had a game where many planets would flip and end up with 1% morale (irritating!). It seems as if all the planetary improvements had disappeared (maybe bug, who knows). Anyway, I'd immediately build a colony ship and offload all but a couple hundred million of the jerks. Even if it takes a couple turns, don't worry, they probably won't flip back or defect to a minor civ.

As a side bonus, if you are particularily evil, decommission those unhappy citizen's butts into space

#10  by Veteran vincible - 7/24/2003 8:31:18 PM

The flip and 1% morale is not a bug. It's that when the AI thinks it's going to be impossible to keep that planet from rebelling, it will trash every improvement there.

If you watch carefully, you will see that the planet will often go to 1% morale *before* the flip.

#11  by Citizen NutButter - 7/25/2003 9:54:26 AM

Finally build a culture bombing terror star, which turned the targeted enemy's planets rather quickly!! Once one flipped and I took over, 2 to 4 systems were flipping per turn! As soon as one flipped, I qeued a colony ship and stadium - with social and military scale set 50-50 - no tech. Once the ship was ready, I loaded excess population, and donated them to other civs (want to keep those relations good to maximize culture). Really great advice!!!

Next try will be military victory and yup, I think it's time to be evil. I heard it is a bit more challenging. I once slipped into evil ranking and loved the new interface and cool music. Yet to see the 'good' interface and music....but that will be another game!

This game is sweet! Thanks for all the tips!!!!


#12  by Citizen MikeMac - 7/25/2003 1:08:47 PM

It's that when the AI thinks it's going to be impossible to keep that planet from rebelling, it will trash every improvement there.

Why those sneaky little b*st*rds! figures

I loaded excess population, and donated them to other civs

Nice one! You must be one of those 'good' players I keep hearing about

#13  by Citizen NutButter - 7/25/2003 2:45:23 PM

Never saw a turned planet with above 1% morale! Agreed - Bastards they are!!! I hear you can jettison/decommission population, but I've been a good boy and haven't searched for that fine feature yet. I think it will fit nicely with my next evil-killing spree. Then I will go from and to and the enemy will be like before I attack their planets and they will be like as I take all their planets and they will as they suffer and before long everyone will be like as my self dominates and wins with a !

#14  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 7/25/2003 3:28:19 PM

Like the smilies, do ya?

#15  by Citizen NutButter - 7/25/2003 3:39:17 PM

#16  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 7/25/2003 3:45:26 PM

Why don't you submit scores to Metaverse?

#17  by Veteran vincible - 7/26/2003 3:46:30 AM

I am highly amused

#18  by Citizen NutButter - 7/27/2003 12:33:45 AM

Finally registered in Metaverse (been submitting thru game, but never entered serial # on site). I either need to pay more attention to my games or there is a glitch. I really though my very first game was a cultural victory. My second game, I thought I was maintaining a neutral position - looks like I became Chaotic Evil and didn't even know it. Interesting.

Time to crank up the computer difficulty another notch for my third game. I'll lay-off the smileys now that I am smiley-spent!!

Oops...just one more!

#19  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 7/27/2003 2:49:50 AM

If you would like to empire, Nutbutter. Do consider joining Barry, vincible and myself in the Fellowship.

#20  by Citizen NutButter - 7/27/2003 2:01:36 PM

I don't know how to empire, but I'll check it out. Thanks for the invite!

#21  by Citizen musicfan55 - 7/27/2003 3:54:51 PM

I know if you put a starbase with culture mods into another faction's sector that contains their planet that the faction will tell you to give up the starbase or go to war. But, what if the sector has one of your stars AND one of the other faction's stars? If you then add the culture mods to a new starbase in a sector that you share, does the AI still demand the starbase or go to war? Or is that only when you have no planet in the sector and they do have a planet? TIA


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#22  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 7/27/2003 7:42:37 PM


Just click Join Empire in this Link

Empires are groupings on the Metaverse. Basically individual scores get tallied up to form Empire scores.

The Fellowship is a fantasy-theme based empire which also enjoys helping folks out on the forum, discussing strategies and role-playing. Do check out our empire thread in the main forum Link and our website Link

Hi Rick, good to see you here as well. Do drop by our thread and say hi to everyone

#23  by Diplomat HawaiiFive-O - 7/27/2003 9:30:39 PM

But, what if the sector has one of your stars AND one of the other faction's stars? If you then add the culture mods to a new starbase in a sector that you share, does the AI still demand the starbase or go to war? Or is that only when you have no planet in the sector and they do have a planet?

Not that this is definitive, but I have never had an AI squawk about a culture SB in a sector that we share. I think you can do this with impunity, but I'd be curious as to other's experience in this area.

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#24  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 7/27/2003 9:42:41 PM

I have seen that scenario before. The AI still demanded the cultural SB from me.

I tried persuading them that the entertainment channels were meant for my own people but they didn't buy it.

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