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Dread Lords
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by Citizen Durett - 9/21/2003 7:33:52 AM

I have never seen dread lords before . WHy is this. Is it because I play at normal but the dread lords don't come till a more advanced level is played or is it something else?

#1  by Ambassador Ray the Wanderer - 9/21/2003 9:39:23 AM

Some events are very rare. I think SD's idea is for players to find new stuff even after playing for a long time. I never met a space shark in pre-GCX even after 40-50 games.

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#2  by Diplomat TheoLeo - 9/24/2003 4:28:30 PM

i've been playing for almost a year and never saw a dread lord.

#3  by Ambassador Solitair - 9/25/2003 4:09:00 AM

I've seen a few dread lords in my games. My last game in fact had the Draginol take over my major production planet with nearly all of my wonders. I was devastated and even with all my preparation barely got the planet back. Lost all the wonders and trade goods though. Very nasty. Though I did empty their treasury of some serious cash before invasion (didn't quite make up for the loss).


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#4  by Citizen Midnightsun - 9/25/2003 7:09:02 AM

Never play with the luck trait, it seems to prevent bad random events...

#5  by Citizen WileyCoyote - 9/25/2003 1:19:01 PM

Ive never seen the dread lords either. Worst random events Ive seen are the fundamentalists and the Telenath crystal thing that makes a race get stronger over time.

#6  by Veteran fsk5809 - 9/25/2003 2:25:37 PM

Has anyone ever seen a Telenath race recover and become dangerous? The 1% ability bonus per turn isn't that much. They still fall behind on racial abilities, because the other races are out-researching them, and many techs provide ability boosts. Plus, some abilities, like +1% weapons, don't matter if you don't have any ships.

Has a human player ever received the "artifact of increasing power" event? Since the AI never cheats, it should be possible for the humans to get this event, although most human players would give up before they became that weak.

#7  by Citizen Inept - 9/26/2003 1:35:48 AM

I've seen the Draginol twice (defeated by them both times in the early stages of the game) and the Precursors once (managed to conquer them because I had Dreadnaughts at the time and they sprung up right in the center of my influence). Negligence causes their appearance, and I'm grossly negligent.

#8  by Ambassador Solitair - 9/26/2003 9:02:08 AM

I've seen the Telenath race win on a number of occasions. This is more likely of bigger universes though where time is on their side.


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#9  by Veteran kasualkid - 9/26/2003 6:33:44 PM

I have seemed to manage the Telenanth event ok - it sure seems to pop up often in my games. The one that has really killed me is the Dmer minor race. You better hope they don't set up camp near your home base. I have only seen them in the beta. Since the x-pack came out I haven't seen them at all.

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#10  by Ambassador Solitair - 9/29/2003 3:45:27 AM

Invade the Dmer or Calor when they pop up. Having a major planet poisoned is not nice. Easier to handle on smaller maps. On large maps they can be very nasty.


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#11  by Citizen LDiCesare - 9/29/2003 6:39:04 AM

I don't see many random events. I'd like it if there were more. Didn't see anything new in the xpack (yet?)

#12  by Citizen LavaLampMaster - 10/4/2003 2:04:43 AM

All I've seen of the new patch is funkier graphics, which is nice but I need mah goodies dangit!

#13  by Citizen Lumen Aeternus - 10/4/2003 11:48:14 PM

Everytime I've played since expansion a race has always gotten the Telenath. Haven't seen Dreads or Drag yet. Saw venge last game.

#14  by Citizen LazyGun - 10/7/2003 1:52:09 PM

I had to abandon a game where the Altarians in the opposite corner got the Telenath crystal. At the time, they were being squeezed by the Torians. By the time I paid any attention, they'd conquered a system from the Torians, who would soon surrender to the Yor. Then the Arcaeans surrentdered to the Altarians and they were on my doorstep. And the remaining majors were all allied to each other. I was following a peaceful strategy when the Drengin leader was vssassinated and I ended up facing +210% Altarian avatars with my +150% dreadnaughts. I managed to bribe everyone to make peace, but the Drengin broke the treaty.

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#15  by Citizen strykerstorm - 10/8/2003 10:58:41 PM

ive played for a year and never seen darn dread lords lol i bet there is so much unknown stuff in the game that itll never all be seen by one person

#16  by Citizen Damon Bryson - 10/9/2003 11:39:23 AM

The Draginol event made my last game much easier to win. I had 80% of the galaxy and was slowly culture-bombing my way to victory when he showed up. He gave me 165000 bc/turn for 50 turns for peace. That sure made things easy! I have seen the "artifact of incredible power" event a few times, but it never really seems to do anything. Those losers keep on losing even when they find the artifact. Never seen any dread lords or sharks.

#17  by Veteran Nand1 - 10/12/2003 4:42:00 PM

I can totally agree with what you guys are saying. I've been playing for four months and I just saw a new minor race as well as heard music I've never heard before.

#18  by Citizen Inept - 10/14/2003 1:41:57 PM

He gave me 165000 bc/turn for 50 turns for peace

No wonder they explode and take over the galaxy if you don't kill them immediately!

#19  by Citizen Lumen Aeternus - 10/16/2003 6:06:23 PM

I'm starting to miss these events

#20  by Citizen Lumen Aeternus - 10/17/2003 4:54:50 PM

Just got Draginol, his first turn he accepted peace for max money over 50 months. Talk about an exploit.
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#21  by Citizen Jexal - 10/17/2003 9:45:24 PM

Shark have to be the most annoying events I've experenced!!!

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#22  by Citizen LavaLampMaster - 10/30/2003 9:45:16 PM

I hate pirates worst.

#23  by Citizen jeff donohue - 11/5/2003 1:04:35 AM

I just had a visit from the Dread Lords. No one in the game up to this time had gone past Battleships/Death Knights, when in they pop with a few Dreadnoughts and a whole passle of Rangers, which were scattered all over the map. Within three turns, they had wiped every ship and starbase from the map, and then started to slowly invade (but of course only me, bypassing other major races with the combat transports). Now I enjoy a challenge, but this killed the game, which I had clear control of, and victoy was in sight. The worst part of it was the fact that planet was pushing out from 2 to 4 ships a turn (only had 1 planet in its system). The game should not be able to "bend the rules" for itself that badly (and blatantly). If they can get it so the game will play by the same basic rule set we have, then fine.
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#24  by Citizen LDiCesare - 11/5/2003 3:33:33 AM

The worst part of it was the fact that planet was pushing out from 2 to 4 ships a turn (only had 1 planet in its system).

You should report it as a bug. Brad said the ai plays by the same rules, so this shouldn't be possible.

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