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758 votes
Galactic Library
Author: mikeburris
Library: Events
Category: Main
File Size: 145 k
Overall downloads: 1969
Today's downloads: 1969
University professors have now largely committed to a philosophical and academic theory that affirms that there is no fixed standard of truth. With a large portion of your research team now incapable of finding their butts using both hands and a map, your ability to develop new technology is dropping quickly.
Uploaded: 6/28/2003
Updated: 6/28/2003
Author: Duglis
Library: Events
Category: Main
File Size: 77 k
Overall downloads: 1848
Today's downloads: 1848
A huge alien entity in the shape of an impish man from the 1700s is seen by everyone on and above the colony. The entity seems to be a hologram with no substance, but it has contacted us via all forms of media. It has offered to increase the planet's quality in exchange for 100 million children! What ever shall we do?! (Updated-population change adjustment fixed)
Uploaded: 6/22/2003
Updated: 6/27/2003
Author: Cryptbeef
Library: Events
Category: Main
File Size: 72 k
Overall downloads: 2834
Today's downloads: 2834
Our best software developers have designed a new kind of user interface that will greatly facilitate colony management... in their opinion. The interface program has already been installed on our main computer system. So, what are your first orders for our colonies?
Uploaded: 6/25/2003
Updated: 6/25/2003
Author: Cryptbeef
Library: Events
Category: Main
File Size: 52 k
Overall downloads: 2344
Today's downloads: 2344
Greetings, inferior being! I am Lord Vader, dark master of the Sith. My previous employment was lost because of the incompetence of my master. But now, as billions think I am dead, I have chosen to return into service, so that terror and grief may once again reign the galaxy... this galaxy... You better hire me, or else...?
Uploaded: 6/25/2003
Updated: 6/25/2003
Author: Duglis
Library: Events
Category: Main
File Size: 122 k
Overall downloads: 3158
Today's downloads: 3158
One our ships, while docked at a space station, has discovered the Altarian fugitive, Pavat Cefnar. He is wanted for murder on 4 Altarian worlds and 4 Arcean Worlds. Both the Altarians and Arceans are out searching the galaxy for him. The Altarians have no death penalty, while the Arceans do. How should we handle this?
(Updated with input from Cari)
Uploaded: 4/29/2003
Updated: 6/24/2003
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