Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 2728  Waffle Kings Empire
Commander Very Good wikdwmbt
Lieutenant Good lostcause64
Commander Evil Irriterad Folkmassa
Lieutenant Very Evil Xeris
Commander Very Good curtd
Lieutenant Neutral Deweywar
Lieutenant Neutral haberknight
Commander Neutral babbleonfly
Commander Good rlk1220
 2737  Ming the Merciless corp Empire
Commander Evil prophet_au2003
Lieutenant Very Good Robziel
Lieutenant Very Good Carlo GC
Lieutenant Neutral bhind
Commander Neutral DrMcPoo
 2743  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain Good Merilokki
Lieutenant Very Evil Darav
Lieutenant Very Good glubglub
Lieutenant Good Madduck
Lieutenant Good potat099
Commander Evil Joshua Weichinger
Commander Very Evil Abe Cubbage
Lieutenant Very Good Atropine
Commander Good Brian Hoff
Lieutenant Good Hafnu
Commander Neutral IronTrunk
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