Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Neutral Manoa
Commander Evil BruntFCA
Lieutenant Very Evil Daemos
 2831  The Shire Empire
Lieutenant Very Good Ponday
Lieutenant Very Good MagicTrixter
 2833  The United Benzoians Empire
Commander Neutral Thrr-Gilag
Lieutenant Very Good Ragnaroek
Lieutenant Very Good meistermuh2001
Commander Evil ShogunHB
 2837  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander Neutral StarConqueror
Rear Admiral Neutral FastAl
Commander Very Good Lothoryn
Commander Very Good Quadbad
Commander Good Montecharge
Commander Evil PredatoryCheese
Commander Neutral Salakoirapoliisi
 2842  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Lord Biekert
 2844  Arnor Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral JimBones
Lieutenant Very Good Mark Bever
Lieutenant Neutral Claptrap
Commander Good Gweedo53
 2848  Galactic Guardians Empire
Fleet Captain Evil Wraith10
Lieutenant Neutral SuChiUomizu
Commander Neutral Nibroc
 2851  Quantum Nexus Empire
Lieutenant Evil OckhamsRazor
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