Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Lieutenant Very Good iraloff
Lieutenant Neutral Dragonhero
Lieutenant Neutral Drewscriver
Lieutenant Good SoulMonkey
Commander Evil Evil Furby
Commander Neutral Dammokles
 2982  Clan McLeod Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Strom McLeod
Commander Very Good Moghra
Lieutenant Good jjosprey
Lieutenant Very Good andersen6
Captain Neutral Spinor
Commander Very Good medwynn
Commander Neutral Makris
 2989  leonarr Empire
Commander Very Good leonarr
Commander Very Evil idontwantanickname
Lieutenant Very Good WarFalci
Lieutenant Very Evil RoseKnight
Captain Neutral ahnkra
  13    6055 
Commander Very Good BlueStalker
Lieutenant Very Good Initri
Commander Good Thewy
Commander Good Andrew Azzameen
 2998  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commodore Neutral Tadpole
 2999  Galactic Guardians Empire
Lieutenant Very Good Teh Nifty
Lieutenant Neutral thrull1
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