Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 3001  European Alliance Empire
Commodore Good bdeclerc
Lieutenant Neutral Mammon72
Fleet Captain Good R-Organik
Lieutenant Very Good Zanathon
 3005  Evil Empire Empire
Lieutenant Very Evil EvilTed
 3006  Evil Empire Empire
Commander Very Evil HairyTheTaco
Lieutenant Very Good WildBil
 3008  Apolyton Empire
Captain Neutral Madine
Fleet Captain Neutral Huormajamppa
Fleet Captain   Laton
Lieutenant Very Good DJBee
 3012  Galactic Guardians Empire
Lieutenant Good Dragon239
Lieutenant Evil CanOpener
Lieutenant Very Good Neagoth
Lieutenant Neutral Ugleb
 3016  JoeMamas World Empire
Commander Evil Joe_Moma
 3019  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commander Very Good Keith LaMothe
Lieutenant Very Good BlackMage 8BT
Commander Good spirit68
Lieutenant Very Good Andrew Hutsell
Lieutenant Very Good MoltenBoron
 3022  The Jedi Republic Empire
Commander Neutral Kueller
Commander   jsnickell
Commander Good Henry the Ate
Lieutenant Very Good WitchFinder
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