Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 3251  European Alliance Empire
Commander Evil J-PV
Commander Very Good Stengrad
Commander Very Good ErikOE
Commander Good rbfarr
Commander Very Good robitusinz
Fleet Captain Very Good xlorp
Commander Neutral Marki1971
Lieutenant Very Good Simple Simon
Fleet Captain Good Deceitful_monkey
 3260  The Culture Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Alligator02
Lieutenant Good Lord Bob
Commander Good otolek
Commander Very Good JBeavers
Commander Very Evil Kevin Connolly
Lieutenant Neutral denhib
Commander Neutral Dalthius
 3267  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Lieutenant Very Good TheJackal22
Lieutenant Very Good ldread
 3269  Galactic Fire Dept. Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Mogwar Demonslayer
Lieutenant Very Good Rainoth
Commander Neutral Haz Fer En
Commander Good Werner Kratz
Lieutenant Neutral jwalsh4
 3275  GammaSquad Empire
Lieutenant   Wyrenn
Commander Neutral Gray_Troll
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