Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Neutral quill18
Lieutenant Very Good Medivalknight
Lieutenant Very Good Grand_Schtroumph
 3279  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander Neutral Vinashko
 3280  European Alliance Empire
Lieutenant Good Le number 1
Lieutenant Very Good Alcarinalata
Lieutenant Very Good Cheska
Commander Very Good ebbymon
Lieutenant Good Anwic
Lieutenant Very Good TIG007
Lieutenant Neutral Paul Cocus
Commander Good Golem42
Commander Neutral prmckinney
Lieutenant Neutral joe1839
 3290  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Lieutenant Good Eminar
 3291  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral David Nunn
Lieutenant Neutral mike52c
Lieutenant Very Good blackmongoose
 3295  Apolyton Empire
Commander Evil LemmyM
Commander Evil Munish Mahabiersing
Lieutenant Very Good kchagga
Lieutenant Very Good blindwaves
Commander Neutral Seraphinus
Lieutenant Very Good Saisai
Lieutenant Very Good Wishthinker
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