Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Very Evil Thomas McGayhey
 3302  New Texas Republic Empire
Commander Evil tetleytea
Fleet Captain Good Zhakrin
Lieutenant Very Good mikejw72
Lieutenant Neutral Colruth
Lieutenant Neutral bigtrouble77
Lieutenant Very Good TatteredHawk
Lieutenant Very Evil Bravo11
Lieutenant Very Evil cannonfodder57
Lieutenant Very Good bradley13
Lieutenant Very Good krusty54
Commodore Good DonFESQ
 3314  The Paradox Collective Empire
Commander Neutral Blade0745
Lieutenant Good Memmnon
Lieutenant Neutral sliggett
Commander Good Aydamusek
 3317  Maple Leafs Empire
Commander Evil Mapleleafs
Lieutenant Very Good vince92079
Lieutenant Very Good Tz7bandit
Commander Neutral Ursa
 3320  European Alliance Empire
Commander Very Good Jegron
Lieutenant Very Evil Commander Adama
 3323  Special Forces Empire
Lieutenant Neutral PiersKazanski
Lieutenant Very Evil MrChris2000
Commander Very Good Skr4tchnst3p
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