Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Lieutenant Good Kepheus
Lieutenant Good OzKaiowas
 3353  Galactic Guardians Empire
Commander Very Good Jimbolux
Lieutenant Very Evil stars4dn
Commander Neutral Dakushna
Lieutenant Very Good Scotter69
Lieutenant Very Good Warlord127
Lieutenant Evil Kev Edge Guymer
Commander Evil Eleon
 3361  International Fleet Empire
Commander Good Scisto
Commander Evil Qs355
Lieutenant Good DieKatja
Lieutenant Good ShaneMasters
Commander Neutral eddiebod
 3365  Manticoran Alliance Empire
Commander Good Tenko
Lieutenant Very Good mom120
Lieutenant Good PerrinKog
 3368  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander Good Cataphasis
Commander Good Gert Meyer
Lieutenant Neutral Jennifer Shaver
 3371  Apolyton Empire
Lieutenant Very Good Treyvius
Lieutenant Very Evil compNeo
Commander Good Ennui
Rear Admiral Good taq
Commander Very Good wlicht
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