Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Lieutenant Evil villentr
Commander Neutral Mojai
Commander Evil ban25
Commander Good Pleiades44
 3431  European Alliance Empire
Rear Admiral Very Good vimpy
Lieutenant Neutral Maurs
Lieutenant Neutral Dashartha
Commander Neutral James O
 3435  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Fleet Captain Very Evil The Wyz
Lieutenant Very Good pdwalker
Commander Very Good Voodoo Rage
Lieutenant Very Good Morithon
Commander Good Scrubinski
Commander Neutral zurichuk
Commander   Darmene
 3442  European Alliance Empire
Lieutenant Very Good Prester John
Lieutenant Good Colin McLoy
 3444  Imperium Terranum Empire
Commander Neutral Hook69
Lieutenant Very Good driph
Lieutenant Evil Pozest
Lieutenant Very Good Osiris13
Lieutenant Very Evil guppy69
Lieutenant Very Good apsyrtes
Lieutenant Good KampKounslr
 3451  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commodore Very Evil Leo Chiang
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