Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Very Good 7rex
 3554  Apolyton Empire
Commander Very Good Tigershawk
 3553  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Captain Neutral bostonrpgmania
  15    4701 
Lieutenant Evil My Tallest
Lieutenant Evil TssT
Commander Neutral arobadog
Commander Good harrier198
 3559  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander Evil Gnarfle
 3560  Spacehermit Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Snuis
Commander Very Good Melaskia
Commander Neutral One Japanese
Lieutenant Good Phantom Ghost
 3564  New Texas Republic Empire
Commander Evil zergfest
 3565  European Alliance Empire
Lieutenant Good joost1110
 3567  Land of Chocolate Empire
Lieutenant Neutral master0
Lieutenant Neutral Moriah
 3568  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Fleet Captain Evil cythknight
Lieutenant Neutral dlapine
Commander Neutral absimiliard
 3571  Apolyton Empire
Commander Good JavaCodeToad
Captain Good SWNut
Lieutenant Very Good Cmd1
Commander Neutral nalonexpress
Commander Neutral Vernayseus
Commander Very Good Xenon Meta
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