Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Lieutenant Very Good Osito de Felpa
 4252  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain Good BigBadger
 4253  The Emperial Army Empire
Lieutenant Very Good Frodrick
Commander Neutral SpinifexV
Lieutenant Very Good JadeMorgan
Lieutenant Neutral Lyle Tate
 4257  Galactic Guardians Empire
Commander Good Ayx2378
Fleet Captain Neutral JPowell
Commander Good lmustats
Commander Neutral grundel70
Commander Neutral Scalu
 4261  Angelus Gathering Empire
Lieutenant Very Good LoftisDevon
Commander Good Woebane
Commander Very Evil Tom Swift
Commodore Neutral Eagleton
Commander Neutral Dedbuffalo
Commander Evil Devil GunnerX
Commander Neutral belsammael
 4270  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Lieutenant Neutral Hawkeye42
Commander Good BigDawg79
Lieutenant Very Good Ripostcy
Commander Very Evil Doda Necroman
Lieutenant Very Good exazoid
Lieutenant Good MrRightSA
Fleet Captain Good Ru_ss79
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