Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Evil RickYon
Commander Neutral dertre
Fleet Captain Neutral RoadKill42
Ensign Evil Liquidshadow95
Ensign Good Shadow Knathrak
 4756  Fnord Empire
Ensign Very Good Hikertrash
Lieutenant Very Good SkyAshton
Commander Evil Arien67
Lieutenant Neutral Jerry Blade
 4761  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Captain Neutral Tyb421
Ensign Neutral Cruce
 4762  The Opterons Empire
Ensign Neutral Aeroflyb52
Commander Neutral Draase
Ensign Good Tibalt
Ensign Neutral IAmGory
Ensign Neutral sheniqua
Lieutenant Neutral Maj Lead Magnet
Lieutenant Good Aurelion Maximus
Lieutenant Very Good Kosar The Destroyer
Lieutenant Good dockworker
 4771  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Commander Good Fusionpanda
 4772  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander Good Phemur
Ensign Good Headbored
Commander Neutral T1Pimp
Commander Neutral big_pig
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