Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Ensign Very Good tomjone5
Ensign Neutral arthurmnev
 4854  PardoxicalShift Empire
Ensign Good Holowan
Commander Neutral Kristor
Ensign Neutral Sean Storrud
 4857  Galactic Guardians Empire
Commander Good jc39
Lieutenant Neutral Wei Denuo
Commander Evil Mitchell Meadows
Captain Good EvilCactus
  16    1030 
 4861  coman Empire
2nd Lieutenant Very Evil Coman26
 4862  Galactic Guardians Empire
2nd Lieutenant Good roethlisbergerfn
Ensign Neutral EricMagnus
Ensign Very Evil PriestOfDiscord
Ensign Very Good LordCDJHOOK
Ensign Evil Olias
Captain Very Good lkyled
Ensign Very Good dv8godd
2nd Lieutenant Neutral Dave Anderson
Commander Neutral FZB
Ensign Very Good ReyR
Commander Neutral Bill Door
Commander Neutral sireric
 4874  Canadian Star Federation Empire
2nd Lieutenant Neutral Rajenator
Ensign Good Balok Bala Kan
Commander Good Andre_0
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