Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 4902  the Reich Empire
Ensign Very Evil soultakr
Commander Neutral LiquidPotato
Ensign Good craig hammond
Commander Neutral Barnes Whittle
Commander Neutral Wraith367
Ensign Neutral petsmatt
Ensign Neutral Rutsdc
Commander Good johnny99
Ensign Neutral 7_11Split
Ensign Very Evil Qadgop the Mercotan
Commander Very Good shadow0331
Lieutenant Very Evil LinuxElf
Ensign Neutral vompatti
Ensign Neutral MillerEP
Ensign Good Edney
 4917  The Jedi Republic Empire
Ensign Neutral Stingray420
 4919  Apolyton Empire
Ensign Very Evil Frank Leon
Commander Good ps_inkling
Ensign Good actionjax
Ensign Very Good King Kull
 4922  GoneGolders Empire
Commander Neutral ToxoPlasma
Ensign Good cresley
Ensign Very Good northstar5757
Ensign Very Good Wielki Sever
Ensign Neutral Bunny Ears
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