Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Ensign Very Good elkanah
Ensign Neutral Iblis Ginji
2nd Lieutenant Neutral Foxxen
 5005  Apolyton Empire
Ensign Good JmgK
Captain Good Doctor J
Commander Neutral GlenSkunk
2nd Lieutenant Neutral grux
2nd Lieutenant   HenryHondo
 5010  The Jedi Republic Empire
2nd Lieutenant Neutral Toryn Star
Commander Good Grog
Commander Good Nimbler
Ensign Very Good PingtheMerciless
Commander Good Louis Zelus
Lieutenant Very Good Bun E Boo
Ensign Very Good Hippihippo
2nd Lieutenant Neutral Thamis
2nd Lieutenant Neutral angryFlo
Ensign Very Good Dragon Thunderheart
Ensign Neutral dsxmachina
 5022  Star Fleet Empire
Admiral Neutral Krazyhorse
Commander Neutral Bleizig
Ensign Good Fubdub
Ensign Neutral nagrom1981
 5025  G.R.O.S.S. Empire
Fleet Captain Very Evil ajm37
2nd Lieutenant Neutral AngleTheta
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