Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 5077  Happy Fun Ball Empire
Captain Evil dark sidyus
  20    369 
 5078  European Alliance Empire
2nd Lieutenant Very Good DaJimReaPer
Ensign Neutral Lord Veda
Ensign Very Good cfcannon
2nd Lieutenant Neutral craigmon
2nd Lieutenant Good Soulitaire
Lieutenant Very Good hikingmonk
Commander Very Good astro01
 5084  Galactic Guardians Empire
Commander Very Good Tiny Rhino
Ensign Very Evil DOUG BRANDON
Ensign Evil DerDiplomat
Ensign Neutral DarkT
2nd Lieutenant Evil Destarius
Ensign Neutral Temui
Ensign Neutral Cybersol
Ensign Neutral Harver Axis
Ensign Neutral Rovert Fugazi
Ensign Neutral JabberwockyPHL
Commander Neutral bmowrey
Commander Very Good Andrew Gall
Commander Very Good Hanagar
Ensign Neutral Dirksj
Ensign Evil hanoj
Ensign Neutral Bobbarry
Commander Neutral Xavier13
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