Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 602  The British Empire Empire
Fleet Captain Good thegreatloofa
Commander Very Good steletar
Commander Very Good Saxifrage
 605  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Stupot74
  10    28487 
Commander Neutral JacWar
Fleet Captain Evil Psydog
Commander Good Kenneth Amos
Lieutenant Very Good TakhLahr
 610  The Jedi Republic Empire
Commander Very Evil Lord Yoda
Rear Admiral Evil Northwest_Smith
 612  Svindler Trade Federation Empire
Commander Very Evil Rider911
Fleet Captain Evil morble
  12    28197 
Commander Very Good tkrane
 615  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commander Neutral LanVik
 616  East India Trading Co. Empire
Rear Admiral Good Walter Hartmann
  16    28073 
 617  Realms Beyond Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Elendil2
  10    28046 
Commander Good bmanula
 619  Iron Fist Empire
Commander Neutral warpvogt
Commander Neutral Mholjin
Commander Evil Juha Aaritalo
Commander Very Good Graf von Deimos
Rear Admiral Good Caric
 624  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain Good Pleyan
Commodore Good No More
Commander Very Good attrib1
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