Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 753  Special Forces Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Samurai Ben
Vice Admiral Good jluckett
Commander Very Good Princeps
Fleet Captain Good Bergrar
  11    22898 
Commander Neutral Rscotsman
 758  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commodore Evil Jexal
Fleet Captain Very Good SteveHaavik
Commodore Neutral Dengineer
Commander Neutral Onde Abefar
Commander Good ReineX
Fleet Captain Very Good a_dave
Commander Very Good Tangurena
Lieutenant Very Good Peter Schoenhoff
Lieutenant Very Good CamelLuck
 767  The Jedi Republic Empire
Commander Very Good harlequin78
Commander Very Good rjanoso
Commander Very Good Rogue Rascal
Commander Very Good oPseudonym
Commander Neutral Jamest65
 772  Apolyton Empire
Rear Admiral Neutral burbel
 773  Inu-Yasha Hanyou Domain Empire
Commodore Neutral Grathocke
Commander Neutral Djaay
Lieutenant Very Good J Spracklin
 776  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commander Good DocAE
Commodore Very Good Liosliath
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