Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Neutral mk_lynx
Commander Very Good HKimF
Commander Very Good Peter Berger
 856  BadBabe Defectors Empire
Fleet Captain Good StealthMuscles
Commander Neutral Idsville
Commander Neutral Idsville1
Commander Good jinx_sh
Commander Very Evil Mythra
 861  Apolyton Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral bdenuto
Commander Neutral jaygittings
Lieutenant Neutral brian wong
Commander Neutral SerialPeacemaker
Commander Good Tredrick
Commander Good seawolf21
Commander Good FrenchWrath
Commander Evil Nephilm
Lieutenant Very Evil Shootfighter76
Lieutenant Very Good Opthalamia
Lieutenant Good Dega
 872  The Jedi Republic Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Atlas1369
  14    19978 
Fleet Captain Very Evil Shammah
Commander Good Aloriel
 875  Galactic Brigade Empire
Commander Very Good creepyfellow
Commander Very Good Jamester2
Commander Good WinterHotfoot
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