Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Very Good David Kaiser
Fleet Captain Good Grimalkin
  12    18301 
Commander Good Loopster21
 958  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral Celeborne
Commander Good Jay M
Commander Good Arisian
Commander Neutral Dominae
 961  The Omega Strain Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral bigmatt85
  10    18152 
Rear Admiral Good tromper
 963  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Fleet Captain Evil chronus02760
  11    18114 
Commander Neutral steoc4
 965  GammaSquad Empire
Commander Good Lucky_Jack
Commander Very Good Merasmus
 967  Vox Federation Empire
Fleet Captain Evil Phong1010
Lieutenant Good narok
Commander Good CJakan
 970  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commander Very Good Tacit_Exit
 971  GammaSquad Empire
Admiral Good Solitair
Rear Admiral Evil IgorMroz
 973  Imperia Galactica Empire
Commodore Good Norin
Commander Neutral YDre
Commander Very Good Raltos
 975  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander Very Good Michael Vasiliou
Commander Neutral grdizzle
Commander Neutral Dopefish
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