Galactic Civilization

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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Neutral bckinser
Commander Good Grrrumpy
Commander Neutral AstralDreamer
Commander Evil aslamnuk
 1032  Foundation & Empire
Commander Very Good GEOZAGOR
 1033  The Jedi Republic Empire
Rear Admiral Very Good Blue Tiger
Commander Good whereaway
 1035  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Vice Admiral Good idleprocess
Commander Very Good Lord Hungwell
Lieutenant Evil Rasterburn
Commander Good Bishop97
Commander Good Siders
Fleet Captain Neutral Blacktooth
  10    16779 
Commander Neutral Redcats
Lieutenant Very Evil Casmicus
Lieutenant Neutral morble100
Commander Good Janoth
Commander Very Good Uncommoner
Commander Neutral Obpur
Commander Neutral Richard Beal
Commander Neutral tmagic
Commander Good DrHurtz
Lieutenant Neutral Parlain
Commander Very Good Wraithius
 1052  New Mexicans Empire
Fleet Captain Good The Gonz
  11    16583 
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