Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 1053  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Fleet Captain Evil thomasdegagne
Commander Very Good EntropyOne
Fleet Captain Good tornspace
  36    16529 
Commander Very Good UltimateEvil
Commander Very Good Bluefang
Fleet Captain Evil bANanACognAc
  39    16490 
 1059  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Commander Good Weazelwog
Commander Evil jhawk
Lieutenant Very Evil Croesus
Commander Neutral The Navigator
Commander Neutral governor Tarkin
Lieutenant Neutral Nephilim_X
 1065  Foundation & Empire
Fleet Admiral Neutral NewfyScotian
Fleet Captain Good darius66
  11    16384 
Lieutenant Good gingerperson
Fleet Captain Neutral Mr Bunnikins
 1069  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Admiral Good Mauler28
Commander Neutral Kevynn Redfern
 1071  G.R.O.S.S. Empire
Commodore Very Evil Landrew
 1072  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Lieutenant Good Jacob Lessing
Lieutenant Very Good blkhawk
 1074  Realms Beyond Empire
Commander Evil LKendter
 1075  Star Fleet Empire
Fleet Captain Good Eschebone
  11    16281 
 1076  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain Good Rane Khan
  10    16241 
 1077  Peregrine Faction Empire
Fleet Captain Evil Chariot
  13    16239 
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