Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
 1078  The United Benzoians Empire
Rear Admiral Good Aloak
Commander Good Kramo
Lieutenant Very Good zzzwempa
Lieutenant Very Evil DirtBrown
 1082  European Alliance Empire
Commander Very Good SEAMUSYAMS
Commander Good jelly1126
Commander Very Evil Harri Moisala
 1085  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander Neutral Ferndad
Commander Very Good Orson1981
Commander Neutral Antoniosteve
Fleet Captain Very Good JDCollins1
Commander Evil wickworks1
 1090  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Commodore Neutral Ed Banas
Rear Admiral Neutral Wildbulldog
Fleet Captain Very Good Brian Mueller
Commander Very Good gregor99
 1094  Star Fleet Empire
Commander Very Good Urass
Commander Neutral AnubisNinja
Commodore Good Gas STAR
Commander Neutral lega
Commander Neutral djhbeek
Commander Very Good silent_j
Commander Very Good Icelocked
Lieutenant Neutral Crapnecticut
Vice Admiral Evil Crapnecticut
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