Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Lieutenant Evil grimani
Lieutenant Very Evil BlindSwordsman
Commander Very Evil WHooNS
Commander Neutral Srebmahc Kcir
Lieutenant Very Good Ulver
Lieutenant Very Good donqichote
Commander Very Good StormWraith
Commander Good hojack68
 1236  The Jedi Republic Empire
Lieutenant Good Kennyb77767
Fleet Captain Neutral Rodney Simpson
  13    14576 
Fleet Captain Neutral Harmonium
Commander Evil Galaxor
Lieutenant Very Evil viajero22
Commander Neutral Cardew
Lieutenant Very Good Lord Nazir
Lieutenant Very Good OptuMystic
Lieutenant Good Dragon Emperor
 1245  Turntablists Empire
Fleet Captain Neutral J4
 1246  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commander Neutral Spuzmax
Commander Neutral Orthus
Lieutenant Neutral lhetre
 1249  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commander Neutral Jab
Commander Good Vcube
 1251  Demon Clan Shinjuku Empire
Lieutenant Very Evil Teeble
Lieutenant Very Good L4Leather
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