Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Very Good Dave30RCA
Commander Neutral dac_61
Lieutenant Very Good ShadoWarrior
 1281  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commodore Good Bombashaman
 1282  European Alliance Empire
Commander Very Good Terber
Commander Good darkmanneke
Commander Very Good archangel8k
Commander Good Conraeth
 1286  Aldarian Empire Empire
Commander Evil midlifecrisis
Commander Good daringly
 1288  Apolyton Empire
Vice Admiral Neutral LDiCesare
Fleet Captain Very Good Canine2
Rear Admiral Very Evil Wraith717
Commander Very Good d 37831
Commander Neutral Matt Gorle
Commander Neutral Morghenes
Commander Very Good Creature963
 1295  Foundation & Empire
Commander Good markos2
Commander Good Daniel Carter
Commander Neutral forddan
Commander Evil Renegade 13
Lieutenant Neutral Bad SpaceKat
Fleet Captain Good davic
Fleet Captain Neutral Lord Jason
Lieutenant Very Good Sploot
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