Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Good morten_69
 1429  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Vice Admiral Neutral Jon50
 1430  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain Very Good mich21
  18    12870 
Commander Very Good Baas Ovlov
Fleet Captain Very Evil Verc
Lieutenant Neutral Dondo
Commander Good Iowa Hawk
Commander Very Good Tiennos
Lieutenant Good lyssailcor
Fleet Captain Very Good Hugfrty
Commander Neutral End_bringer
Lieutenant Neutral shiruikage
 1440  European Alliance Empire
Commander Very Evil NhImF
Commander Neutral bigdrip
Commander Very Good PatienceEmpire
Commander Very Evil Lighting Guy
 1444  ChironAE Empire
Fleet Captain Evil ChironAE
Commander Very Good Ravius
Fleet Captain Very Good AGTMADCAT
Lieutenant Very Evil ShotRock
Lieutenant Neutral Porksmuggler
Lieutenant Very Good Robmoo
 1450  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Rear Admiral Very Evil plephart
 1451  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Commander Evil Ceberon
Lieutenant Very Good Apogee
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