Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Very Evil quay
 1779  Narnia Empire
Commander Very Good Baraslan
Commander Neutral Mailer
 1781  Jawas of War Empire
Commodore Good Tokus
Commander Neutral Charles Hearn Jr
 1783  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Commander Neutral Talc5
Commander Good Arch Zero
 1785  The Lameo Ludits Empire
Commander Neutral Brohawk
Commander Good XarQuan
Commander   Perry The Cynic
Lieutenant Very Good Nebelwerfer
Lieutenant Evil inqistor
Commander Very Good kystl
Commander Very Good Nicolas Bossy
Commander Neutral ShadowLordUK
 1793  Kiith Soban Empire
Commander Good Mahtie
Lieutenant Very Good Packman
Commander Neutral nicknamealreadyinuse
Fleet Captain Good Droiddr
Commander Neutral Aleron
Commander Very Good John Chitwood
Lieutenant Very Good Cowpie2k5
 1800  The Jedi Republic Empire
Fleet Captain Evil Vulture Virtue
Commander Neutral Vaxman2
Lieutenant Good Peter Kirby
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