Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Evil smokingenius
Lieutenant Good Soy Tyrrant
 2128  Galactic Guardians Empire
Commander Good Stefan Amaris
Fleet Captain Very Good JasmoVT
Commander Neutral Tall Cool One
 2134  European Alliance Empire
Commander Very Evil Yodarkore
Lieutenant Very Good Ingtar
Lieutenant Good cns987
Lieutenant Very Evil NTHeudner
Lieutenant Neutral GScully
 2139  Sovereign League Empire
Fleet Captain Very Good Sovereign77x
Lieutenant Neutral therjw
Lieutenant Neutral Ragnoff
Commander Neutral Derg28
Lieutenant Very Good Ahriman
Lieutenant Very Good mechman423
 2145  Apolyton Empire
Commodore Neutral hombrejava
Commander Good Jmich
 2146  Angmar Empire
Lieutenant Neutral Morgul Angmarsky
Commander Very Good Salters
Commander Very Good Shaade
 2150  Illuminati Empire
Lieutenant Very Good Tikatt
 2151  IGA Empire
Commander Good Ranger207
Lieutenant Neutral HeliusImperator
Commander Neutral Sjado Hawk
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