Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Very Good Armitris
 2329  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander Very Good Tssha
Fleet Captain Neutral Good Baron
Commander Good robderosa
Lieutenant Neutral Apexx
 2333  PeaceKeeper Empire
Lieutenant Very Evil tweeky5
Lieutenant Evil JEKrug01
Lieutenant Neutral HackneyB
Lieutenant Neutral Granarc
 2337  Apolyton Empire
Lieutenant Very Good berXpert
 2338  The Lords Of Gondor Empire
Commander Very Good Zerion
Commander Very Evil Astax
 2340  European Alliance Empire
Commander Neutral Trantorian
Lieutenant Very Evil McBaresark
Commander Very Good suraklin
 2343  PanGaea Cooperative Empire
Rear Admiral Good Kevin the Kitten
Lieutenant Very Evil dklewicz
Fleet Captain Very Good Kermitron
 2346  European Alliance Empire
Lieutenant Evil jKMkIII
Lieutenant Very Good DK_SplatMan
Fleet Captain Neutral dyrop
  10    8063 
Lieutenant Neutral John Johnsen
Commander Neutral RaijenArDesh
Fleet Captain Neutral helitch
Lieutenant Very Good Merkin
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