Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Lieutenant Neutral SpaceKhanDeluxe
 2354  New Texas Republic Empire
Fleet Captain Good jeff donohue
 2355  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commodore Good bruinb77
Lieutenant Good Captain James Delicious
Commander Very Good Excalidan
Commander Very Good Deeviant
Lieutenant Very Good lupoman
Commander Neutral michaeltmurrayuk
Lieutenant Very Good Calus
Commander Good razze
Lieutenant Very Good Zorganto
Lieutenant Neutral toph2o
 2365  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Fleet Captain Evil Aerodoq
 2366  New Texas Republic Empire
Commander Good clangofan
Commander Neutral Timushack
Commander Very Good RICKnROLL
Lieutenant Very Good Aysmonte
Commander Neutral Rouspeteur
Commander Neutral Mootch
Commander Neutral The Bijonne
 2373  Galactic Guardians Empire
Commander Good Trscroggs
 2374  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Commander Good George Lekos
Lieutenant Good THARN
Lieutenant Neutral Avocet
Lieutenant Very Evil Nelo Esteves
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