Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Lieutenant Evil in9mar
Lieutenant Good moswald
 2380  European Alliance Empire
Commander Neutral MMM25
Lieutenant Neutral MassHole
Lieutenant Neutral DizoDizzario
Commander Neutral TwinSpark
 2384  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Commander Very Good rs500cos
Lieutenant Very Good GereSweden
Commander Neutral dorion
Lieutenant Evil Minyatur
Lieutenant Very Good Sirilius
Lieutenant Evil Andrew Yao
Fleet Captain Neutral BKrani
Commander Good Doc Gunz
 2392  American Republic Empire
Captain Good Dimez Apart
  31    7902 
Lieutenant Neutral Alphasix Actual
Lieutenant Neutral kelius
Lieutenant Neutral Philature
Fleet Captain Very Good RandomHamster
  10    7891 
Lieutenant Very Evil brindle2
Commander Very Good Kaikopere
Lieutenant Very Good madoc03b
Commander Neutral Sexton Furnival
Lieutenant Very Evil SIRREP
Lieutenant Neutral owl232
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