Galactic Civilization

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 Galactic Civilizations Top Players
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Commander Brian D H
Fleet Captain Mike693
  10    12808 
Commander   MegaVolt
 1455  Galactic Guardians Empire
Fleet Captain Heavens Door
  15    12783 
Commander   Beeff
Commander   Agard
Commodore Madfizzicks
  25    12774 
 1460  Realms Beyond Empire
Commander   s1mone
 1461  PeaceKeeper Empire
Lieutenant   tweeky5
Commander Stephen Wiebe
Commodore Palmwarrior
  30    12742 
 1464  G.R.O.S.S. Empire
Fleet Captain Darth Bob
  13    12733 
Commander jay bromberek
Commander Bezman
Commander Kravox
Commander Gyro
Fleet Captain Darxon
  12    12714 
 1470  Sovereign League Empire
Fleet Captain Sovereign77x
  10    12708 
Lieutenant   Wenlock
Commander   ritingon
Commander Smidlee
 1474  European Alliance Empire
Commodore bdeclerc
  19    12681 
 1475  The United Benzoians Empire
Lieutenant   Succotash
Fleet Captain Huormajamppa
  11    12675 
Commander   Tony The Tiger
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