Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Neutral Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Vice Admiral Maxtipherous
 77  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Fleet Captain StarGazer99
Admiral turdmuncher
 84  Realms Beyond Empire
Fleet Admiral JaxomCA
 83  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Vice Admiral vincible
 80  Canadian Star Federation Empire
Fleet Admiral Paguma
 82  Special Forces Empire
Fleet Admiral Jaws the Wayfarer
 81  Mid-Western Confederation Empire
Admiral kasualkid
Vice Admiral   Drellan
 85  Foundation & Empire
Fleet Admiral Technician
 86  I.B.H. Empire
Commodore cactoblasta
Commodore Brackard
 88  The Jedi Republic Empire
Fleet Admiral Icho Tolot
 89  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Admiral Capricorn 76
Commodore hannes71
 91  GammaSquad Empire
Fleet Admiral Publius of NV
Commodore Alex MacDougall
 93  European Alliance Empire
Commodore Isatis Redfox
Fleet Captain Horus The Rebel
  10    37211 
Fleet Captain Stavrogin
 96  Realms Beyond Empire
Commander Zed F
Commodore Ozgriff
Commander   7EA
Admiral jonsmirl
Fleet Captain Pierru
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