Galactic Civilization

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Morality: All  - Evil  - Neutral  - Good
 Galactic Civilizations Top Players (Overall Morality)
 Rank       Player Info     Games Played    Score 
Fleet Captain Neutral Sergei The Mighty
  13    47425 
Commander Evil geo981010
Fleet Captain Very Good TheRealChronus
 331  Galactic Guardians Empire
Commodore Neutral Lilos Stitch
  14    46994 
Fleet Captain Neutral DMF
Fleet Captain Good PoundFool
  11    46918 
 334  The Jedi Republic Empire
Commander Very Good Crazy Leg
 335  Evil Empire Empire
Rear Admiral Evil Bakka
Commander Very Good BadgerBreen
 338  Special Forces Empire
Fleet Admiral Neutral Wild Wombat
Commodore Very Good Chipsh
 340  European Alliance Empire
Fleet Captain Very Evil Croga
  16    46339 
Admiral Good Kurt Laidlaw
  13    46285 
Commodore Very Good mcollin6
  20    46009 
 343  G.R.O.S.S. Empire
Commodore Neutral HaveOne
  13    45947 
 344  United Guilds Empire
Commodore Very Good Trigg
 345  Galactic Guardians Empire
Fleet Captain Very Good PhatSter
  14    45880 
 346  Fellowship of the Ring Empire
Commander Neutral JohanSve
Fleet Captain Neutral Beechmon1
  19    45687 
Commander Very Good Adils
Fleet Captain Very Good mightygoobi
Commodore Very Good Jogorhan
 350  The Jedi Republic Empire
Commander Very Good rvnic
Commodore Good zichella
Lieutenant Neutral lordwarrior
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